Warning! This video has some doubtful singing in it! Hopefully, it gives you ideas and a laugh. After my previous professional AI experiment, I want to try the concept of me and my AI avatar as competing singers. In this video, I perform a fairly well-known song, with adjusted lyrics to send out a little bit of fun.
Look at me and my AI avatar Competing singers
As the video starts, you immediately see the AI versus real-life differences. I used a split-screen option to show both synchronously. Ciska proposed the song as a good cover… she was right! Why do this? Because anyone at any age beyond 50 has no problem with putting their selves out there. I also do explore educational technologies for my job. So getting a fun bit of singing out in the open, feels like the right thing to do on a Friday. As the song is part of the Fun bits of Flamboyant Grays, the lyrics are slightly changed. Can you guess which song it is based on?
Sing along with the song
Feel free to sing along, the lyrics are:
They say we’re OLD and we don’t know
We won’t find out becau-au-ause we’re slow
Well I don’t know if all that’s true
‘Cause being gray does not mean we are through
We’ve got Grace yeah
FlamBoyant Grays yeah
We’re proud Grays yeah…
If you feel like, add your own song to this fun activity. Send me a link. Everyone needs a bit of fun from time to time.
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