What would inspire you most? A role model that inspires you, or a report showing you evidence-based numbers on people beyond 50? For me, it is definitely role models. I have an inspiration wall behind my desk, which helps me stay motivated.
Focusing on Flamboyant Role Models for Inspiration
When I first got the idea of getting a community to support each other in changing lives beyond 50, I did not focus enough. I wanted to share both role models, media snippets that showed discrimination or support, scientific reports, and governmental initiatives across all continents. In hindsight, this was far too much for a one-person band to realize. Well, it took me some months to understand that it was too much for me to handle.
The responses on the blogs showcasing role models were enthusiastic, and people voluntarily shared other persons they knew or shared their own stories. Both dynamics made me realize, that I needed to focus more on role models, and step away from the dryer stuff (evidence-based reports, governmental initiatives, and media screening).
Changing the title of the initiative
While rethinking the initiative on people beyond 50 who change their lives, I also rethought the old name I gave it: Secret Shakers. After being honest with myself, I found it less fitting than I had imagined. And to be honest, the acronym was horrible. So, after a bit of soul-searching, I thought Flamboyant Grays would cover the focus on role models much better.
With the new choices being made, I am now focusing on flamboyant role models that inspire. And, I must say, there are a lot of us. So, it is with pleasure that I am now listing interviews (if you know anyone, or if you are a role model yourself, let me know!). Each testimonial of a Flamboyant Grays role model boosts my own courage. People are amazing!
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